Study Materials PH Campus (Nur-C3) 2020-21

Dear Parents of Nur-C3, 

Kindly purchase the study materials listed below at any bookshop (notebooks of Classmate/ Navneet brand only).  Students must cover and label all notebooks; they must bring all listed materials to school on the re-opening day.

NurPP 1PP 2Class1
Class 2
Class 3
1. IGNITE English Txt Bk (full set) from school11111
2. IGNITE Eng Txtbk (full set) from school11111
3. NCERT EVS Txtbk from school11
3. Single Rule 200 pgs (Classmate) English Crown size Literature & Spell DrillNilNilNilNil1
5. Single Rule 200 pgs (Classmate) English Crown size Grammar & WritingNilNilNilNil2
6. One-side ruled 200 pgs (Classmate) for STEM

7. Scrap Book (Navneet)111NilNilNil
8. Drawing Book 36 pgs (Navneet)
9. Broad ruled 200pgs notebook (Classmate) right hand margin (for Urdu Language)NilNil1112
10. Double ruled notebook (Classmate) TeluguNilNilNilNilNil2
11. Broad ruled 200 pgs notebook (Classmate) left hand margin (for Hindi Language)NilNilNil112
12. Four ruled 200 pgs notebooks (Classmate) for Literature & Spell Drill
13. Four ruled 200 pgs notebooks (Classmate) for Grammar, writing & handwritingNilNilNil111
14. Single ruled 100 pgs notebooks (Classmate) for ComputerNilNilNilNilNil1
15. Single ruled 100 pgs notebooks (Classmate) for STEM (interleaf) NilNilNilNilNil1
16. Four ruled 100 pgs notebooks (Classmate) for Library
17. Square ruled 200 pgs notebook (Classmate) for Math
18. Broad square ruled 200 pgs notebook (Classmate)1212NilNil
19. Gem Atlas Junior (Ratna Sagar)*NilNilNilNilNil1
20. Cursive Handwriting (Dreamland Publication) NilLevel ALevel ALevel ALevel 1Level 2
21. Colour pencils big sized 24 shades221111
22. Fevi stick (medium sized)222333
23. Black pencils ( Camlin / Faber Castell) box
24. Erasers (Camlin / Faber Castell)2
25. Oil pastels 24 shades (Camlin / Faber Castell)
26. Brown laminated paper roll (to cover textbooks)
27. Pencil sharpener111111
28.Scissors 222211
29. Label sheets (to label textbooks, notebooks)
30. Scale (12″/30cm plastic)NilNilNil111
31. Chalk (box of 12) dust free for slate11NilNilNilNil
32. Flap Folder (for homework worksheets)111111
33. Ring Binder111111
34. A4 Plastic sheets – 1 pack111111