Parent engagement

EXPECTATIONS FOR PARENT ENGAGEMENT (Annexure 3 of Application for admission)

  1. Attendance & punctuality  Children must have 85% attendance. Three late arrivals equal one absence. Children with low attendance will be conditionally promoted in the first instance and withdrawn on the second instance. 
  2. Diet  Parents must ensure their child eats a nutritious breakfast before school, and that they provide healthy snacks/lunch. 
  3. Homework Parents are expected to establish daily routines, a quiet space for study, and support so that children can do their homework regularly.
  4. Social interaction Children learn a great deal from their peers and friends circle. Parents must supervise social interactions.
  5. Use of social media  Parents must regularly and carefully supervise their child’s access to mobile phone and social media. The school provides a secure Gmail account for online learning to which parents also have access. The school’s Facebook page does not require an account to view posts. 
  6. Grooming Parents must ensure their child is well groomed, clean, and dressed in school uniform.  
  7. Signing of diary  Parents are required to check, discuss, and sign their child’s diary every day. 

  1. Meetings  Attendance at parent-teacher-student meetings, student-led conferences, parent counseling sessions, and other such programmes is compulsory. Parents may meet teachers and school leaders without an appointment during Open House days; or they may request an appointment through the school office. 
  2. Interaction with school staff  Parents must speak with decorum and respect; school staff shall do likewise.
  3. Birthdays  To celebrate birthdays, students may donate a book to the library. Only students up to class 3 may wear casual dress. Parents must NOT send food/cake or gifts for classmates. 
  4. Media policy  By signing, parents give consent to the school to photograph and videograph their child during educational activities. Such images may be published on the school website and through electronic and print media. 
  5. Vehicle driving  By signing, parents commit NOT to allow their minor child to drive a vehicle to and from the school. The school is not responsible for any accident, damage or theft. 
  6. Emergency medical treatment  By signing, parents give consent, in case of any emergency, for their child to be treated by a doctor or hospital if parents cannot be contacted.