Name of the Applicant *
Phone *
E-Mail *
Primary Years
Middle Years
Post Applied For (Example: Mathematics Teacher / English Teacher / Librarian / Office Manager) *
Date of Birth *
Marital Status *Marital Status*SingleMarried
No of Childrens
Place of birth
Permanent Contact Address With Pin Code
Present Contact Address With Pin Code
Family members’ name
Relation to the applicant
Age (years)
Related with any staff member of the school
Languages known
Can Speak
Can Read
Can Write
Educational qualification
High school / 10
Course / discipline
Year of passing & Percent Scrore
Intermediate / 10+2
Post graduation
Additional qualifications like ppttc, b.ed, m.ed, etc.
Institutions worked for (latest first)
Institutions Name
From - To (month-year)
Duties (e.g. Classes and subjects taught)
*Please provide references, one of whom has supervised you in your present/last job.
Name of supervisor/reference *
Designation *
Institution *
Tel. No. & email *
Name of supervisor/reference
Tel. No. & email
Salary Details
(Rs) Last / present gross salary PM
(Rs) Basic
(Rs) Allowances
Other Benefits
What is your salary expectation (per month)?
Why did you leave your last job? Or why would you change your present employer?
Portfolio of achievements
Scholarships / awards / honours conferred on you
Reason for Award
Conferring institution
Year – month
Seminars / workshops / professional development courses in which you have participated
Your Role
Organizing institution
Year - Month
Article, research paper, book authored by you
Type of media in which it was published
Year Month
Fine / performing art that you have learned
Art Learned
What level of artist are you? What level of artist are you?CasualRegularSerious
Academy that trained you
Sports / outdoor / indoor games you play
Games you play
What do you read? Level of interest
What do you read?
Level of interestLevel of interestCasualRegularSerious
Interests / hobbies ? Level of interest
Interests / hobbies
Notable achievement
Foreign countries to which you have travelled?
Reason for travel
Year – duration of stay
Health information
Do you suffer from any major ailment / medical problem? If yes, please provide brief medical history and precautions you observe?Do you suffer from any major ailment / medical problem? If yes, please provide brief medical history and precautions you observe?YesNo
Do you foresee any life events in your family that could affect your service to the school? (e.g. Marriage, divorce, pregnancy, emigration visa, relocation, disapproval of spouse or in-laws, etc.)
Select Foresee Events Availability *Select Foresee Events Availability*YesNo
Declaration: All The Information That I Provided In The Application Form Is True To The Best Of My Knowledge. I Am Aware That If Any Information Is Found To Be Incorrect/Untrue, It Will Result In The Summary Cancellation Of My Appointment. *
8 + 0 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *
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