High School

Affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, Telangana
Age range: 10-15
Grades: Class 6-10

The reforms proposed by State Council for Educational Research and Training, Telangana, has changed the educational landscape in this newly formed state. The high school curriculum prescribed by the SCERT offers an inclusive approach to develop creative communication and collaborative problem solving skills in the students preparing them for a technology and innovation driven 21st century.

Our school offers an individualized learning landscape for the creative and the innovative minds by giving them a balanced exposure of outdoor learning experiences, intellectual exchange, differentiated learning strategies and a healthy peer support environment.

Our teachers form a community of dedicated and passionate life-long learners, bringing in a fresh supply of innovative teaching practices. The curriculum offers a balance among curricular subjects, sports and arts.

Subjects offered:

1st language Urdu or Hindi Social studies Physical Education
2nd language Telugu Sciences Arts
3rd language English Mathematics ICT